Monday, January 23, 2012

The Challenge of Contraception for Those Who Respect Life

As we observe a week of prayer and reflection on the sanctity of human life, I thought it fitting that something be said about the value of the life-creating act itself. The Lord has given us the gift of sex and of fertility, and He has blessed us with the command to "be fruitful and multiply". There are some grievous problems with interfering with this command. Following is a summary of an article I came across, with a link to the full text from the blog of the One More Soul organization.

Contraception poses a challenge to those who respect life. It may not be immediately obvious that there is any connection between contraception and abortion, but on further examination, a relationship between the two becomes apparent. Ignoring the issue of contraception leads to a lost opportunity to respect life to the fullest degree. There are at least three connections between contraception and abortion to consider:
1. Many contraceptives can directly cause early abortions.
2. Contraceptive use creates a perceived need for abortion as a “back-up.”
3. Contraceptive use causes a devaluation of human life.
The fundamental problem with the use of contraception is that it is a form of idolatry - a failure to "fear, love, and trust in God above all things." If your heavenly Father has promised to give you all good gifts, will He not also give you whatsoever He sees that you need? Furthermore, contraception sets up the "ME" as god, divorcing the gifts from the Giver, and telling God that "I" know better how to use His creation than He does.

For the rest of the above-quoted article, please visit the One More Soul blog.

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