Wednesday, December 18, 2013

An Everlasting Sign

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He created the sun and the moon. He created the seas and the dry land. He created the plants and the animals. He created every seed-bearing plant and every fruit-producing tree. And then, as the pinnacle of creation, He created man and woman in His image and blessed them with the fruits of all creation.

From the beginning of creation, God created things and set them in order. He created the plants and the animals, and He arranged them in the Garden of Eden. The plants grew each according to their own kind. They flowered and produced fruit according to their various kinds. And it was all good. Things were beautiful. Adam and Eve were well fed through the bountiful provision of the Lord. They had merely to reach out and receive the fruits of the earth.

Creation was perfect. Every living thing brought forth according to its created order, and it was all very good. The Garden was in perfect order, subdued and in service to the man and woman to whom God had given charge over creation.

And in the middle of it all stood the Tree of Life. That glorious creation which spread its branches over all, to provide shade and shelter. Its leaves were for the strengthening of creation. Its fruit gave live immortal and abundant to all who would eat from it. The Tree of Life stood as an everlasting sign of the goodness and benevolence of God to His creation. He gave life to all, and sustains it. It was the center of the Garden, for life flowed from it to all.

But then sin entered the world. Into the midst of perfection, into the beauty of the Garden of Eden, a black and sinister spirit wended its way, until it reached the very center, the very pinnacle of creation. The serpent found the woman, and tempted her to doubt the Word of God, to doubt the gracious provision that gave her all things needful, to cast her eyes on the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The serpent tempted Eve with the idea that she would become like God if she ate the fruit. No, more than that – she would become a god unto herself. She would not need the Lord God, but could decide and choose for herself. Instead of receiving the gifts of God and the kindly fruits of the earth with thanksgiving, she chose to take what was not given to her. She chose to stretch out her hand and lay hold on that which had been forbidden to her. And she took and gave it to her husband, and he ate also. And in their eating, sin entered the world, and on account of sin death.

In that moment creation was fundamentally disordered. The world fell into death. The bottomless pit of sin and evil opened up and swallowed the human race. The ground was cursed on account of man's sin. No longer could man live in paradise, but was exiled into a world where the ground would sprout with thorns and thistles, weeds and briers. By the sweat of his brow will man receive the fruits of the earth. The plants will no longer simply open up and flower. Fruit will not fall from the trees into the waiting hands of man. Getting food will be hard, treacherous, tedious work.

And because of this, the Tree of Life was lost – hidden from a fallen human race, lest they eat of it and live forever in their poor miserable state. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, and the way to the Tree of Life was barred by an angel with a flaming sword. The fruit of immortality, the healing of the nations, was taken, lest man live forever.

Mankind languished in sin and death from that day on. The children of Adam and Eve grew up to be murderers, thieves, adulterers, misers, and all manner of evildoers. The special talent, if you will, of man is to come up with new and unusual ways to do the same old evil deeds. And all of it leads to death.

But into the dark Judean night, at the fullness of time, the everlasting sign came forth from the Blessed Virgin's womb. From that pure and kingly hall stepped forth the Lord of all, born into the world as a defenseless baby, that He might save His people from their sins and reverse the curse of death that lay upon creation.

This is the one whose birth was foretold by the prophet Isaiah: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” This is the everlasting sign of the Lord's favor and blessing: that He has sent His only-begotten Son to break into time and space and to take up the flesh of man, so that He might save mankind. God has come to man, that man might no longer die, but live.

Therefore, cry out with Mary: “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!” The Lord has become Immanuel – God with us! God is not locked away in the highest heavens, but is here, on earth, with flesh and blood. He has come among His people and redeemed you with His precious blood.

“He who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name!” Indeed He has done great things for you! He has come to you and redeemed you, not with gold or silver, but with His holy and precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death. The Son of God, our Savior Jesus Christ, has done great things for you. He has done the greatest thing anyone could do for you – He took up your flesh and blood and bore your sins to the cross, where He died for the sins of the world. He died so that the reign of death over creation might be broken.

He has done great things for you. Death is conquered. The grave is defeated. The earth no longer can hold the children of God. The Law has its end, and death is no longer the final word for the faithful of Israel. For death cannot claim the Lord of Life, and it cannot claim those who have died with Him.

What was lost is found. The Tree of Life that once was lost inside forbidden Eden when Adam and Eve were exiled is now revealed. That tree is accursed as the Son of Man hangs upon it, but it becomes the Tree of Life for the nations as the blood of Christ flows from it. Just as the devil once by a tree in the Garden overcame, now by a tree in a garden is he overcome. The lost, corrupted, disfigured image of God that was created in man is now once again revealed in the innocent flesh of Christ.

What was broken is restored. The broken and disfigured image of God shines forth from the sinless Son of God, and as His life is poured into you, that same image is being restored in you. You bear the mark of Him who is your head.

The Tree of Life now stands before you – blazing with glory before the whole world. The cross of Christ shines through the darkness of this world to show the nations the grace and love of God poured out in Christ.

The Tree of Life stands as an everlasting sign for you, and for all people. The cross of Christ stands as a beacon for the nations, an ensign for the children of Israel, a sign of the hope of the faithful. It shines through the world as a sign of the grace of God poured out for you, the life that was shed for you upon that tree, so that you might life.

Therefore, break forth into singing. Shout with gladness. Rejoice, o heavens and earth! Come out to meet the King of Glory with peace and joy! Who is this King of Glory? The Lord Almighty – the Son of God, our Savior Jesus Christ, who comes with healing for the nations.

And the Tree of Life stands in the midst of the New Jerusalem, the paradise of the faithful. Where the Tree of Life stands, there is no longer any death or sorrow or sickness. The ground does not produce thorns and briers, but beautiful and strong cypress and myrtle. The Tree of Life produces abundant fruit – more than enough for the healing of the nations. It shall remain as an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.

The cross of Christ will stand over all the nations as the banner that unites the people of God from every nation, tribe, language, and people. Its fruit will feed the multitude until hunger is no more. It will supply your life, because the life of Christ has been given to you from it.

So lift up your heads, you ancient doors! Be lifted up, you ancient gates! “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace!” Go out with rejoicing to meet the King of Glory! Your Lord and King approaches; meet Him with eagerness to receive the blessed Gifts He comes to bestow. Meet Him in humility and faith, with joy and thanksgiving. Eat of the fruit of the Tree of Life, drink of the river of Life, and live. Lift up your heads, and look to the everlasting sign that shall not be cut off, and live.

In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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