Monday, May 23, 2011

Pure Milk

Christ is risen! Alleluia!

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Next to water, milk is perhaps the second-most important liquid in the lives of the human race. From cradle to grave, we are predisposed and predetermined to spend our lives drinking milk, and eating all its wonderful derivatives. Just imagine a life without cheese, butter, or ice cream – how terrible that would be, at least for me!
Needless to say, milk is important, and the purity of that milk is of the utmost concern to those who produce, distribute, sell, and consume it in all its forms. Consider the amount of laws and codes and guidelines related to the dairy industry.

For years now, the battle has raged between scientists, farmers, and consumers about the use of hormones and antibiotics in dairy cattle. Strict regulations are now in place for what and how farmers can use to medicate their cattle, so that potentially harmful substances are not passed through the milk to the human consumers. A great deal of money and research effort has been spent on both sides of the issue in attempts to determine whether steroids or growth hormones are passed through milk, and if so, what effect that has on the end consumer. The public-relations storm surrounding the issue has gotten so that most grocery-store milk now says something to the effect of, There is no evidence that ___ is harmful, and it cannot be detected in milk, but Brand X cows are not given ___ . Of course, this debate only helps to fuel the discussion on the merits of organic food products.
Before that, however, there were debates on the merits of mechanical processes, such as pasteurization and homogenization. However hotly contested in the past, these measures are taken for granted in almost all dairy sources today.
However much we focus on the quality of cow's milk, before any of us gets to that first sip of moo-juice, we draw our nourishment from our mother's milk. Breast milk is indeed God's intended food for babies. It is the purest, most complete, most satisfying meal any of us ever consume.
Breast milk is tailor-made exactly to the needs of each baby, in each stage of life. The mother's body creates the precise blend of nutrients, proteins, and fats, then fortifies it with antibodies and immune agents to protect baby against disease and infection. Mother makes the quantity baby needs, and baby can eat as much as necessary. Studies show myriad benefits to breastfeeding, both for baby and for mother. Breastfeeding promotes healthy brain development, stimulates bone and teeth growth, and nurtures that indescribable bond between mother and child. Mothers who nurse are significantly less likely to suffer post-partum depression and breast cancer.
But, for baby to benefit from the wonderful gift of mother's milk, the milk must be pure. Substances the mother takes in are easily passed to baby in the milk, so mother must abstain from drugs and alcohol, and it is important that she eat well and take proper vitamins. If mother is not careful, the adulteration of her milk can do great damage to her baby.
Likewise, as St. Peter tells us today, pure spiritual milk is vital to our development in the Faith. The pure spiritual milk of the Word of God is given to us right from our birth. As soon as you were drawn out of the waters of Holy Baptism, you were placed upon the breasts of the Holy Scriptures, from which you have been nursed ever since through the work of the Holy Spirit.
Just as we never outgrow our need and desire for milk, we never mature beyond our need for the Word of God. Every day it nourishes us with what is needful for our life and salvation. Like nursing at mother's breast, the Spirit of God brings us back to His Word over and over again. We must return often and drink deeply of this wonderful well, so that we can continue to live and grow as children of God.
We cling to the Word of God, suckling at it like tiny babies, because we can never exhaust all the innumerable riches and blessings it contains. We can never stray from the Word, because it is our very life and salvation. For in the Word of God we learn of the Word made flesh who dwelt among us – our Lord Jesus Christ, who makes known to us our heavenly Father. And we can never get enough of hearing Christ's Word, because He is our light and life and salvation. He is the way and the truth and the life, and there is no other way to heaven. This we learn because the Holy Spirit teaches us so in the Holy Word.
Therefore, the purity of this wonderful milk must be carefully guarded. Our Lord gives us His Word to be the Word of life. He gives us Himself to be our life and salvation. He speaks to us His Word of forgiveness, and it is so. The Scriptures declare that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and die, even death on a cross, in order to enter into His glory for you. The Word of God proclaims to you that this Jesus, whom you crucified, God has made both Lord and Christ. The Word of God speaks to you and says, I forgive you all your sins. Take heed, and let not this wondrous treasure be taken from you.
Just as the purity of cow's milk and mother's milk must be preserved, so also must we take care, lest human doctrines creep in and adulterate the Word of God. For the devil is skilled at weaving into the truth his ribbon of lies and deceit. He would have you forget or doubt or simply discount what the Holy Scriptures proclaim, and thereby rip you from the breast and rob you of your life and salvation.
The religion of the Law is easy to follow, on the surface. Do this list of things, and you will be saved. Add up enough of column A and little enough in column B, and everything will come out in the wash. It is possible to love your neighbor sufficiently, at least externally. It is possible to be the best husband, father, daughter, student, worker – if you just try hard enough.
But the problem is that the word “enough” is foreign to the Gospel. What is enough is that Jesus has died and risen to forgive your sins. It is enough that the blood of Christ has quenched the wrath due upon you. It is enough that God has loved you so much that He gave everything for you. Nothing you can do is enough. You will always fall short. But Christ is enough for you. His grace is enough.
On the other end, which really circles around to the same conclusion, is the religion of no law. Do what you will, since Jesus died for you anyhow. The grace of God is sufficient to whatever you might do wrong, so just eat, drink, and be merry. The Gospel promises peace, so just get along with everybody and don't worry, man.
Jesus has come and fulfills the Law for you, but not one jot of it has passed away. You are no longer under the condemnation of guilt. Therefore, you are free to love your neighbor, not as a way to heaven but as an expression of the love shown to you by and through Christ Jesus. You can give your offerings to the Lord, not as a temple-tax, but as a sacrifice of thanksgiving rendered joyfully in return for all His benefits to you. You can serve wherever the Lord has placed you, because His Word declares that you are free to do so.
These great and wonderful teachings are too much for us to comprehend, even in a thousand lifetimes. As John Newton wrote, when we have been in heaven ten thousand years, we will just have begun to sing the praises of Him who called us out of darkness by the Word of His glorious light of grace and truth.
You will never outgrow drinking milk, even if you no longer nurse from your mother. Likewise, you will never outgrow drinking in the pure spiritual milk of God's Word. Each day, you will hear the Spirit declaring to you the great and wondrous deeds God has done for you. As surely as He provides food and drink for your table and shelter for your head, your heavenly Father provides the pure spiritual milk to satisfy your soul in every need.
In times of joy, the Scriptures give you the words of thanksgiving. In times of pain, they give you the words of lament. In times of sorrow, they give you the words of repentance. In all times, in all needs, the Word of God fills your lips with the words of His forgiveness, life, and salvation. At these, and no other, breasts must we nurse, and so grow up filled with the Word of God and equipped for every good work. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”
In the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Christ is risen! Alleluia!

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