Monday, August 9, 2010

What Do You Fear?

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

What do you fear? Maybe it is spiders or snakes. Maybe you are afraid of heights or extreme depths. Maybe you are afraid of flying.
These things are the stuff of which movies are made. Hollywood spends a lot of time and money making you afraid of big, ugly bugs and snakes so that you go to the movies to root for the sexy hero and his alluring female companion. There are endless variations on the basic horror-movie plot line, really just the same thing recast with different actors and various kinds of creepy-crawlies. TV shows poke fun at these kinds of fears, making it fodder for endless sitcom scenarios.
Perhaps you consider yourself more grown-up and mature, and you are above those kinds of fears. So then, what do you fear? Maybe it is terrorist attacks. Maybe it is severe weather destroying your home and livelihood. Maybe it is economic meltdown depleting your savings. Maybe it is accident or illness taking your life or that of your loved ones.

Sometimes we see movies and TV shows about these fears, but they generally are not funny. These are the things that make you cry at the end of the movie, rather than the white-knuckle horror. These things affect us on a much deeper level, because they strike at the heart, and not just at the body. And these fears manifest themselves in many different ways.
We become anxious about our homes and livelihoods, so we carefully monitor the weather reports to be aware of impending danger. We dig basements and put on storm doors. We buy insurance for home, car, and crops. We find the latest and greatest gadgets and solutions to keep our stuff safe. We work very hard to keep what we possess. And in the process, we isolate ourselves from those around us, because in keeping our stuff, we cannot share it with others.
Do you fear losing your savings? In the past few years, this world has seen great shifts in economic power and stability, and that has made a lot of people anxious. And to what end? Can you add to your savings by worrying about it? Does hand-wringing right the sinking super-companies? Does fretting about the state of Medicare and Social Security add to your life in any way? Does the wording of healthcare legislation keep your heavenly Father from giving you what you need day by day?
Perhaps your greatest fear is losing your health or losing your loved ones. In this nation, we spend billions of dollars each year on healthcare expenditures. Healthcare reform is one of the deal-breaking topics among political candidates these days. It seems that half of what you hear or read in the media is some sort of health news – some new pill or supplement or diet or exercise designed to fix what ails you – if you can deal with the side effects. Does all this add a moment to your life that God has not ordained for you already? Can your anxiety improve your quality or quantity of life?
O you of little faith! … For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek His kingdom, and these things will be added to you.”
Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.”
Your heavenly Father sees every fiber of your being and knows every need that you have. He knows what you need before you need it. And He has promised to daily and richly provide all that you need for the support of this body and soul. Just as He gives the birds their food and the flowers their splendor, so too does He give you everything you need in this life and the next.
He has poured out His Holy Spirit into your hearts to make you His own beloved children. The Spirit works within you to daily bring you to faith in Jesus and His Word, to call you into the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit cries out to you, “Your sins were nailed to the cross on Calvary. Your debt was paid by the shedding of Jesus' blood. You are declared not guilty! You are a child of God and an heir of all the riches of heaven.”
So give to the needy and the poor. Help those in need. Spend your money and your labor on the needs of your neighbor. Pray for those who persecute you. Love those who do good to you. Support those who serve you. Honor those who lead and guide you. For in these things, you will show where your heart lies. And you hearts lie in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Jesus has filled your imperishable purses with eternal treasure. He has filled your hearts with His Word and Spirit. He has filled your mouths with His Body and Blood. He has filled your hearts and minds and voices with His glorious deeds of which you and I forever sing praises. By the Holy Spirit, seek these things, and they indeed shall be added to you.
Fear not, for our Lord Victorious has won the battle over all that threatens us in body and soul! Fear not, for our Lord is our shield and fortress!
Amen, Lord Jesus, grant our prayer;
Great Captain, now Thine arm make bare,
Fight for us once again!
So shall Thy saints and martyrs raise
A mighty chorus to Thy praise
Forevermore. Amen.

Rev. Ryan McDermott
St. Peter Lutheran Church
Elma, IA
Proper 14C – 8 August 2010

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